Positive Action is an evidence based program used by Communities That Care.
The program is a comprehensive system of components that works to increase positive behaviours and decrease negative behaviours. The universal philosophy that you feel good about yourself when you do positive actions provides the foundation for all the components of the Positive Action program.
The Positive Action philosophy is taught with a toolkit following six focus units:
Why use Positive Action?
Studies show it improves academic achievement, attendance, and character while simultaneously decreasing violence, bullying, obesity, suspensions, truancy, dropping out, gang involvement, use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and other problem behaviours.
Positive Action helps create a healthy, welcoming, and safe school and community environment. It enhances, complements and reinforces other initiatives such as the Circle of Courage.
Who uses positive action?
Positive Action is useful for everyone! It works for people of all ages, genders, ethnicity's, cultures, and socioeconomic levels; for those who are healthy and unhealthy; and in rural, suburban, and urban areas. It reduces the negative influence of risk factors and enhances protective factors for individuals, families, schools and communities. Everyone including special needs and high-risk individuals benefits from this program.
Positive Action can be used in all settings. Teachers, facilitators, principals, counsellors, school support staff, parents, case workers, social workers, therapists, coalitions, health and welfare service providers, business/corporate personnel, community/youth program leaders, early learning programs, law enforcement officials, and even judges have used Positive Action.
Positive Action in Williams Lake & Beyond
Positive Action is used in many elementary schools, in programs like StrongStart, in community organizations, and in the Positive Action Family Program.